Friday, January 22, 2010

Holiday Hearts

I love Holidays. I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't want to celebrate something and make a special occasion of it. Paired with holidays are traditional activities, colors, and FOODS! I have a hard time deciding my favorite but one of my dearest holidays approaches quickly. Can you think of what it could be?

That's right, VALENTINE'S DAY! Hold on, don't blow me off, give me a chance! Every time I try to bring this up with anyone, they say that it's just a made up holiday to make people feel bad about themselves if they don't get a valentine, date, etc. While it is true that Valentine's Day may be a mishmash of holidays combined into one, there is no reason to grump about it! Half of the time people get upset about not getting any valentines they don't send any in the first place. Am I making sense?

I love written word, I love messages, I love mail, and every year on February 14th we have the opportunity to write sweet words and deliver them to our friends, family, and sweethearts. I don't like that Valentine's Day is always emphasized in such romantic terms. I think of it as a fun day to give cards and candies to my friends and family members as well! If everyone thought of it this way, I'm sure it would be more enjoyable. I just love the lace, the paper hearts, the poems, it's just all right up my alley. Maybe I'm biased. A lot of times I have had a sweetheart on Valentine's Day but I can't think of anything that special that we had done in the past. I'm especially looking forward to trying to make this year's special since my sweetheart lives so far away.

So, as jumbled up as this post must sound, I have a parting message for all of you. Don't get hung up if you are single on Valentine's Day! Make Valentines for your friends and family or maybe send a secret admirer message to someone! Maybe even have a get together and make heart cookies? Spending time together and enjoying the company of friends and family is always the best part of any holiday, after all. I can't wait!!!

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